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Was reconstruction a success or failure essay

Reconstruction was a period in American history following the Civil War. The Union and Confederate states had to rebuild what had been destroyed during the war and reestablish relationships between the two sides. The Reconstruction period lasted from 1865 to 1877 and was largely unsuccessful in reunifying the country and protecting the civil rights of African Americans.

Reconstruction began with the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery. This was followed by the Fourteenth Amendment which granted citizenship to African Americans, and the Fifteenth Amendment which granted African Americans the right to vote. Despite these changes, African Americans were still subject to discrimination in many parts of the country. They were often denied access to public transportation, voting booths, and schools, and were subjected to intimidation and violence.

The failure of Reconstruction was due in part to the lack of support from the federal government. Although President Andrew Johnson had called for a lenient plan for the Union states, Congress passed the Reconstruction Acts which imposed harsh punitive measures for former Confederate states. These measures included property confiscation without just compensation, military occupation, and black voter registration.

The success of Reconstruction can be seen in the fact that it established the legal framework for civil rights for African Americans. It also created a framework that enabled new state governments to be formed in the former Confederate states. However, Reconstruction ultimately failed due to a lack of economic and political support from the federal government, as well as ongoing racial discrimination in many parts of the country.

The failure of Reconstruction had serious consequences for African Americans. Although they gained some civil rights, they were still subject to discrimination in many parts of the country. Reconstruction also further divided the nation as it failed to fully heal the wounds of the Civil War. In conclusion, it can be said that Reconstruction was a failure in terms of reunifying the country and protecting the civil rights of African Americans.

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